Friday, July 20, 2018

Breathing Space:

  • Whitespace is an important element in design for good reason. If we used correctly it will provide many advantages to our design.
  • Whitespace is simply unmarked space in the design. It is space between the layouts, lines of paragraphs, between paragraphs and between different UI elements.
  • A website template using whitespace that page appears effectively, clean and uncluttered.
  • While designing using whitespace between text and paragraphs creating contrast, highlighting and guiding reader's eyes from one topic to another.                                
  • This increases the scope of scanning, readability also improves the readability and usability of website design.
The Advantages of Using Whitespace

Increased Content Legibility: Users should be able to see where are they going and be given a reason to keep reading.
More Interaction: Visitors are always in a hurry when browsing through sites and having a good amount of white space will increase interaction by preventing distractions.
Ability to Highlight call to Actions: Most obvious way to make something stand out is make things bigger. However, surrounding the item with whitespace can be just as effective.
Creating Balance: Too little whitespaces leads confusion, disorganization and unreliability. Too much whitespace could highlight a lack of content and lack of user guidance so maintain a balance by giving whitespace it improved user accessibility and user experience.

Example for balanced white space in below image

Image result for breathing space  related images in web design

                 Example for visibility of the content
           Related image

                               Example for equal breathing space between the images

Image result for what is breathing space use of web design