Monday, July 16, 2018


  • Consistency means something stays the same, is done in the same way or looks the same.
  • Consistency will provide a quality and experience to users so maintain consistent in both design and content of our websites.
  • Learnability and usability of web site increases when visual design ( similar elements have consistent look ) of our web site should be consistent.
Where should you be consistent?

Elements: Web elements are the building blocks essential for website, patterns including, header, footer, sidebar, navigation bar all elements in our website should be kept the same place to ensure consistent user experience.
Design: Visual design of your website should be consistent not only contribute to a great looking design, but also provide a more familiar experience for users.
Content: The content on your website should be consistent in tone, mood, quality and quantity.
Interaction: Each user will choose to interact with your website differently so responds should be identical.

                             Image result for best examples for consistency and inconsistency images in web design

                                                Example for consistent in content


Example for consistent in images

Image result for consistency related images in web design